Rang Nr.3 _i18n_mod_start_`shopmodule.shopsign.rankdelivery_i18n_mod_end_ in KüchenschränkeAnnual export US $9,550,817Competitive OEM factoryGlobal export expertiseCooperated suppliers (66)
Produkt ermöglicht die Rückverfolgbarkeit von RohstoffenYes
ProduktinspektionsmethodeInspection of all products, Random inspection, According to client's requirement
Qualitätskontrolle an allen ProduktionslinienYes
Gewerblicher Hintergrund
HauptmärkteDomestic Market(42%), North America(15%), Southeast Asia(15%)
HauptkundentypenRetailer, Engineer, Wholesaler, Brand business, For private use, Manufacturer
Anpassungsmöglichkeitensample processing, graphic processing, customized on demand, sample processing, graphic processing, customized on demand
Im letzten Jahr neu eingeführte Produkte80
Ausbildungsstufen für R&D-Ingenieure12 graduate, 5 juniorCollege
von SGS Group
Projektlösungen aus einer Hand
Lösungsmöglichkeiten (1):
2D- und 3D-Designdienstleistungen
Lokale Konstruktion
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7 Fotos
Art: hotel
The Rose Garden Project Phase II beautifully designed interior spaces, for both the 2 and 3 bedroom units. Large windows for natural light intake, with magnificent views of the hills and valleys belo.
What I want to say here is that all the custom cabinets of PA Home are of good quality, and they have a professional design team to provide free design, mainly focusing on improving the five elements of each custom kitchen, such as stove, table island, sink, refrigerator and storage overhead and under the counter. Thank you so much!